Saturday, December 04, 2004

No beliefs, no truth... no way!

The main part of this entry is part of an email I sent to Stuart in reply to a comment he made on one of my entries on my old angelfire blog.... not quite sure which one he was talking about, but was probably the one where I was blabbering on about the scientific evidence for the existence of a Creator. Anyhow, in his comment, he said this..."atoms, molecules, chemistry, science..." it is all concepts. Everything we have is a concept.... including religion". It's an opinion of his that I've heard many times before... in addition, of course, to his opinion that God doesn't exist. Another thing he's said many times is that he has absolutely no beliefs when it comes to God and religion and spiritual hoohah, which is something I picked on in my email as well. As usual, I wrote him a long-winded reply in a probably vain attempt to make him reconsider his opinions. But hey, at least I try.... :) Anyway, I liked what I said so much, I decided to share it with everyone, and would love to hear what anyone has to say about it!

Yes, some things in science are concepts. But when there is so much evidence to support that concept, even though it could probably never be proven to be absolutely true or accurate, chances are that that concept is basicly correct. Lawyers win court cases using much less evidence that there has been found for most scientific 'facts'.... and for the existence of a creator.
It's easy to say everything is a concept, that nothing is absolutely correct, that there's no black and white and no right or wrong. Coz' if it were true, then we all can live the life the way we want without worrying about breaking any 'rules', coz' nothing would be absolute. I would love to take that easy way out and do whatever I wanted all the time, coz' hey, it's not easy being a Christian and constantly trying to abide to the high standards of the Bible. But unfortunately, as nice as it is to believe everything is just a concept, fact is a lot of things in life are definite and there are such things as right and wrong, correct and incorrect, true and false. I won't be stupid enough to say I know everything that's definite in this world...but I am a scientist and I go wherever the evidence takes me as best I can. And I'm not going to pick and choose the things I want to believe just so I can live the way I want to do. Coz' whether the truth is nice to hear or not (and a lot of times, it ISN'T nice), it's still true and whether or not I like it doesn't change that fact. Nor the fact that there are consequences to ignoring the truth. I would like to think if I jump out a window, I will fly. But the fact is I can't fly, and the consequences if I jump out a window with such as silly belief would not be pretty.
By the way, what you say about everything being a concept is essentially your belief. You say there is no God, but that is also just a belief since the only way you could know that for sure is if you knew everything. But everything you know is limited by your own experience, isn't it? You think you've never experienced Him, and so you think He doesn't exist. If you really had no beliefs when it comes to God or spiritual things, then you would be agnostic, not an atheist. Coz' an agnostic holds on to no beliefs because he's not sure which is right. But by saying there is no God and thinking you are absolutely right about that, well, that's all just your own belief. It's not a fact, coz' a lot of people would disagree and say they have experienced God. So by making such a stance, it doesn't make you any different from any other religious person coz' you have beliefs, just like the rest of us. :P
God bless!

It's kind of funny the way so many people think the same way as Stuart... that everything is just a concept, that nothing is ever absolutely true. It actually sounds a bit like some New Age belief... but in fact it isn't 'new' at all. It reminded me of John 18:38, when Jesus, just before his crucification, is telling Pontius Pilate that He came into the world to testify to the truth. And Pilate goes on to ask, "What is truth?". Sounds like a guy who's cynical about the whole idea of truth too.... And I'm going out of topic here, but a lot of experience has shown me that people today behave pretty similar towards the message of Jesus as they did when He walked the earth. The Bible records that many people back then, especially the Pharisees, refused to believe in Jesus's words even though they saw him do so many miracles that proved He was no ordinary man. The Pharisees even acknowledged Jesus'miracles, yet didn't believe! And today, there are so many little miracles going on in people's lives (heck, the fact that there is life on planet Earth is a miracle itself, due to so many scientific improbabilities! but that's another story) yet so many refuse to acknowledge the existence of a God. The world hasn't really changed much in 2000 years, has it?

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