Anyway, I know I said my next Idol checkpoint would be 6 weeks from now after it's been whittled down to the final 6 contestants, but after tonight's performances, sorry to say that I can't help going into Idol freak mode again coz' there were quite a few unexpectedly good performances from people whom I thought are off the radar... and also a few unexpectedly horrifying performances from the better singers. So I think any predictions for the top 6 would just be completely off tangent coz' it's stating to look way too unpredictable. So here's my take on this week's show (they did Beatles' songs this week), and the ones I vote most likely to get the boot. :)
The GOOD (or more like the fantastically awesome!):
1) Jason Castro - Oh gosh, I really don't care what Simon says about him at this point. I'm totally in love with this guy. He doesn't have a fantastic voice... but his mannerisms, the smile, and everything about him (except the hair) is totally adorable. And he's still a complete natural on stage. And his rendition of "If I Fell" temporarily turned me into a giggly schoolgirl... it's quite scary actually. He goes to show that you don't need to the big ol' powerful voice in order to be a fantastic singer.
2) Chikeze Eze - I'm not a Chikeze fan at all... but his performance this week was REALLY cool. One of those you-just-have-to-see-it-for-yourself performances. I don't even know what was the song he sang, but he did it great and that's all that matters.
3) David Cook - Also a great performance with his rocked out rendition of Eleanor Rigby. I was thinking what a great single his rendition would make. I'm so gonna download the recorded version.... :D
4) Brooke White - Yet another singer who doesn't have a powerful voice, but the heart and passion she puts into her performances is so obvious, I can't help but love her too now. I would feel very much for her if she gets the boot coz' you can so tell that singing is her dream. But she definitely won't go anywhere this week!
The BAD (some truly horrifying stuff here!):
1) Kristy Lee Cook - Kristy has a very strange idea of what Country music is. Simon told her she would do well doing Country music, so she had the bright idea of taking a perfectly non-country song like "Eight Days a Week" and having the band completely massacre it by playing it like a Polka song on fast forward. I spent her entire performance gawking at the tv screen... too shocked at the monstrosity I was listening to to even cover my ears, or do anything other than be shocked. I don't even care that her singing was reasonably good. The fact that she would even *think* of asking the band to play that means she's get my vote for the boot this week!!
2) David Archuletta - Hey, the Boy Wonder finally made a boo boo. A really big boo boo. He forgot his lines! Not just once, but quite a few times, in fact, while singing "We Can Work It Out". It seems he does fantastically well singing slow, thought-inspiring songs, but throw him an upbeat song to sing and he's done for. If he sang like this in the first week, he probably would've gotten the boot, but since people will still like him based on previous performances, he's still safe this week.
The OK....:
Carly Smithson was ok for me, but the judges thought she did a fantastic job singing "Come Together", so I suppose she'll be around for a while....
I'm getting bored of Amanda Overmyer singing the same ol' rock style songs and not being able to pronounce her words properly. Getting a bit annoying actually. I won't miss her if she gets the boot, even though she is one of the more unique performers.
Ramiele Lullaby... whoops... I mean, Malubay did another sleepy song this week. She's so boring I've decided the fact that she's the only Asian contestant is not enough to keep me supporting her.
David Hernandez made a mistake singing "I Saw Her Standing There". Did totally nothing to show off his voice and he's starting to go off the radar for me.
Michael Johns and Syesha Mercado.... both did pretty well, but didn't make me jump out of my seat.
In short, I'm betting Kristy will get the boot this week. I might do a little chicken dance if she does... but not quite as festive as when Danny Noriega got the boot last week (I'm still celebrating!).
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