Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter to you and Happy Birthday to me!

Easter play is over! I finally have the time to write my normal long-winded posts and play with applications like "Who has the biggest brain?" on Facebook until I realise that I'm wasting my life away! My brain is apparently 2228 cm³ in size and I rank as Space Ace, by the way.

Now it's time for that strange feeling of "...Is that it?". :p After about 3 months of working on this play, and spending almost every night at church these past couple of weeks ironing out the rough edges... I feel quite sad that it's officially over after all that hard work, and now life goes back to normal. I also realized that this was probably the biggest scale production we've ever pulled off in church, every single person on the cast was so totally perfect for their role and practically everyone in church was involved in one way or another... I'm so gonna be a sap and say it was great working with such awesome, talented and FUN people and seeing the play coming out so fantastically well, three night in a row. :) Ah well, all good things must come to an end...onwards to the next show!!! But not for the next few months at least. Hehehe...

In other news, it was my birthday on the 22nd. I am now officially a quarter century old. In club 25. Fast approaching the realm of Ally McBeal-ism. Turning the big 30. My mum sure didn't help by saying "You're 25? Time to get a boyfriend!" Oh yes, I'll try to remember to stop by Carrefour on the way home tomorrow and pick up something from the section called 'Boyfriends'. I hear they're on discount after Valentine's Day. -_-

Didn't have much of a plan for the big b'day this year, but had some small a simple celebrations. Folks at church pulled off the "surprise" birthday cake and song on Friday night after the play... and did an encore of the birthday song later on at a mamak. Woke up on Saturday wondering if I should do anything to celebrate or just bum around at home... til Fan Yin invited me along for lunch, and I ended up trying some new food at Italiennies and dessert at Yogur Berry with her, Matthew and Shaun. Today I had a small dinner celebration at home with family... enjoying a slightly strange combination of roasted duck, fried cabbage, Dominoes pizza and Viennetta ice cream cake. All in all, quite a simple but enjoyable birthday. And didn't get any presents, but that's perfectly fine coz' unless people know what I reeeaaaallly want, I'd rather have nothing than something I don't want, need or know what to do with. And right now the only things I kind of really want is a big@$$ camera and maybe a small, easily-foldable music stand which I can carry around easily in my car and use it at cell group or anywhere that I need to play guitar. Not quite sure if such a thing exists around here. Doesn't hurt to hope!

Anyway, thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday. Which includes my folks, who didn't forget this year! And to Selina for making me the birthday card. Handmade stuff rocks! And to Fan Yin and Matt and Shaun for joining me in my first experience in the wonderful world of Italiennies! And Yogur Berry! And to whoever planned the not-so-surprising-but-I'll-act-surprised-anyway birthday cake at church! And to a certain someone who was broadcasting to everyone backstage during Easter play on Friday that the next day would be my birthday and I'm one year closer to the grave! Your time is coming soon too, you know... :P

I'm gonna be a sap again and say thank God for great family and friends! Oh yeah, Happy Easter, y'all!

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