Monday, November 15, 2004

A new start?

Hey all , just started up my new blog recently, and as usually it still looks kinda dodgy coz' I still suck at html and instead of trying to actually learn it, I do it the cheating way and rip source codes of other people's blogs and try to figure out how it works from there. Quite a headache really.Anyway, as for what's been happening in my life, I just recently finished my third year of my course in Monash Australia Gippsland (a.k.a. Moo moo land coz' of all the cows) but instead of getting my booty back to good ol' Malaysia, I've decided to stay on a bit more longer in this nice country to continue enjoying the stars, feeding the ducks and disturbing the cows. Ok, ok, I actually wanna try and work here for a while before I head back to Malaysia in February or so just before my new semester starts. The pay here is a lot better, the attitude is so much more relaxed and I got people here I wouldn't mind hanging out with a bit longer, so it's kinda better than going back to hot and humid Malaysia just to bum around for three months and get stuck in traffic jams. Ack. Haven't actually found a job yet, although I have asked some of my lecturers to help let me know if they can fine some work for me over the summer. But I won't be too worried about that soon coz' next week I'll be going to Brisbane for a one week holiday! Yes, the land of the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast, where Steve Irwin and family roam at Australia Zoo, where the dolphins can be fed and the roller coasters are wild. And I have a friend going with me who's planning to go sky diving, so I'm looking forward to doing that too! Weehaa, that should be fun! Unless of course, my parachute doesn't open, it which case I'll become a human pancake. But anyhow, in the high probability that that won't happen, I shall come back to Moo-moo land and really get working, looking for a job and finding some new accomodation since I've been kicked of student residences. Should be an interesting week, this.

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