Ah...another year has kept up on us all yet again, and if you're like me, you're wondering how come the time moved so fast. And then you realize it's coz' you're getting old. Hahaha. Happy new year, everybody! And everyone says it's the time to start afresh and all that jazz... well usually I start off the year feeling quite blah...and I almost did this year (especially since I celebrated my countdown sitting in front of my laptop. How very un-exciting!)...but right now I am feeling, well, not so blah. Coz' for one thing, I got a very nice Christmas present from my mum, which is that absolutely beeaaauuuutiful Sony Ericsson W660i phone I was handphone lust for a few months back. Well, my mum actually gave me most of the money to go and buy it coz' she asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her I wanted that phone. I didn't really think she would seriously give me money for it... but she actually did! Though the phone coz more than Rm100 than what she gave me, so I just paid the rest of it. Just imagine, I first saw it at the end of August and it was love at first sight for me... and now after 4 whole months of waiting for the price to drop, I got my dream phone! Woohoo! It's just such a pretty girly red and gold phone with flowery engravings on the back. And the funny thing is I set my ringtone as "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven.... so you see this girly girl phone, but once it rings, this headbanging rocker song blares out of it. :D For my message ringtone I currently use Yoda from Star Wars saying "Hmm... a message from the dark side you have...". Which is rather unoriginal...soooo I plan to do a voice recording on my phone (yes, it records sounds! Whoopie!) of one of my Sunday School kids saying something like "Carol Jie Jie, you have a message! Read it now! Why you never read? Hellooo...." Hehe, that would be cute. Unfortunately the kid I wanted to do the recording wasn't around last Sunday at church, so I still have to settle with Yoda for a while... And another really cool thing about my phone, which I was like so "WOW!" when I found it, is this neat little application that shows how to play most of the weird guitar chords, and even plays a sample note so I know what it should sound like. For a hapless guitarist who rarely remembers anything more complicated than a minor chord, this is like Godsend!!! Before this I really liked the phone... but just coz' of that, I really LOVE my phone. Eeee hee hee heeeee!!!
Ok, enough of giggling like a schoolgirl. Another new thing I've been working on has to do with my blog. As you may have noticed, for some reason, my blog pictures have decided to mysteriously disappear off the face of my blog. So instead of fixing that issue, I decided to completely revamp the look of my blog. Which I think is long overdue, coz' it kind of looks like a five year old drew the background... but I was either too busy or too lazy to bother to relearn html, css, xml and God knows what other weird scripting languages they use to make these things. Anyway, over the weekend, I just sat down and did it...copied my original html, and edited it to change the background, the title picture, the colour scheme...eeeverything! The only things left untouched are my tagboard and my hit counter... which I may or may not change, depending on my mood.
So I saved my new html on notepad, opened it using Explorer and refreshed it when needed to check whether my changes came out correctly or not. So after a painstaking two days of working nonstop on this little project, it finally looked like how I wanted it to. So I copied the new html, pasted it onto my blogger template, clicked 'Preview' and TADA.....!!!
It came out ALLLL wrong.
Basically everything was all over the place. The sidebar was too wide and the words overlapped the space where my blog entries are supposed to be....while my blog entry column is just one small koochi little box in a corner. If you were in my living room at the time, you probably would have heard loud wails of despair coming from Carol's room. Apparently, the people at Blogger decided to be smart and add some new scripting language specifically for their templates... and since my html didn't have it...whammo.... my lovely template became a big mess. *sob sob* :'(
Well, my hard work hasn't gone to waste. I just need more time to figure out what is it I need to add... worse come to worse, I have to grab one of the blogger templates and add in my new scripts so I don't break whatever annoying scripts they need to make my blog appear like it should. Which is going to be a long and painful process which I don't have time for til this weekend coz' of that time consuming thing called WORK. So my grand launching of my new blog look will just have to be postponed... *hopefully* I can get it to work by this weekend.
In other, more gossipy news, my ex recently sent me a comment here telling me it's been a while since he visited my blog and it seems I've been "quite spiteful" in my last few entries. And he went on about how there was no chance for us to be friends anymore (because when I broke up with I told him I wouldn't mind being friends) coz' it would just be an "empty hollow relationship". And he also said that I need to stop hanging onto him coz' he's stopped hanging onto me. And I found the whole message rather amusing, though not very surprising as I have heard plenty of rather illogical things coming out of him, especially when he's angry.
First of all, where in my last few entries have I been 'spiteful'? The closest thing I can think of my mention of his post alcohol-drinking toilet-puking episode during our New Year's celebration last year. I don't remember insulting him when I mentioned that. I do remember saying I enjoyed the rest of my holiday with him aside from the toilet puking incident. So I'm not exactly sure what his definition of 'spite' is. Far as I know, mentioning potentially embarassing incidents about my ex, unless obviously made in malice, isn't spite. I can give some very good examples of what spite is in terms of our previous relationship, but I'm afraid I will degenerate into ex-boyfriend-bashing, so I will just leave it to your imagination.
Secondly, I don't know where he got the idea that I haven't gotten over him simply because I still mention him in my blogs. Err...hello? I like another guy and I've written quite a bit about my crush on him.... that *should* be a pretty good hint that I am over him. Of course, initially I did feel weird liking another guy so soon after the breakup, and I did feel it was being 'disrespectful' to our previous relationship. But respecting the memories of a previous relationship is NOT the same as still hanging onto him... I realized it wasn't going to work out, broke up with him for good reason, and got over it. I don't really see much point in hanging onto someone I know I can't be with. But I'm also not the type who must completely erase all memories of my ex in order to move on. I can still talk about previous relationships without falling into whiny emo depression. And I can still still happily be friends with my first ex... we keep in occasional contact through email. So I don't understand what's with his refusal to stay friends...but if that's the way he wants it, I told him that there's no point of him still coming back to read my blog (and reading between the lines when there is nothing to be read...though of course I didn't say that to him. :P). If we agreed to be friends still, then fine, I don't mind him reading my blog. But I just find it strange and creepy that he would still read my blog when he keeps telling me he doesn't want to be friends anymore. Like if he wants me out of his life, *why* is he still reading my blog? It kind of suggests that HE is the one who is still hanging onto me.
Of course, when I told him that, I kind of expected him to take it the wrong way. And I was right! In his reply, he totally blew up at the suggestion that he's still hanging onto me... and also said something along the lines of "For the record, yesterday was the only time i went into your blog, ok" Err... yessss, I'm sure it is. I have had this blog for 3 years now, all the time without any incident. Immediately after the breakup, I suddenly get several incredibly nasty comments on my blog from some anonymous people...or person. What an amaaaazing coincidence. Also an amazing coincidence that I was not born yesterday. He also wrote in extra large, bold red letters (which kind of suggests he was pretty mad) telling me to stay out of his life. " Clear enough for you? Don't reply! Ok? I will take it as a yes." Well, I didn't reply... not because I feel threatened in any way by this spitfire of an ex, but coz' I don't really feel like wasting more time and energy trying to talk logic into an illogical person who only knows how to shout and insult me when all I did is suggest that he's still hung up on me. I mean, if you wants to call me things like "childish" and "immature", then please at least support your allegations by picking apart something I said in a logical manner to prove that I am childish or immature so I possibly skulk over the possibility of you being right. But if all you do is call me names and then rant on about how I am not worthy of your family and therefore I shouldn't even think of contacting you or your family ever again (which, btw, I have less than zero intention of doing), well, I know kids in primary school who are just as good at name-calling.
Anyway, I shall let him happily assume that he scared me into silence, or whatever it was he was hoping to accomplish by his email-yelling. Unless of course, he comes back and reads my blog again and realizes I feel nothing more than amused at his immature outburst. BUT he did mention that he didn't care what happens in my life anymore... which I assume means he won't read my blog anymore. So if he actually doesn't read my blog anymore, then I can happily write whatever I want about him here and my blog will still be free of nasty comments. If he does still come back and reads, I will probably have more interesting comments to deal with... but then it would REALLY prove my point that he's the one who is still hung up over me...not only is he volatile and illogical, but he'd be a hypocrite for insisting he's over me and yet reading my blog. How sad would that be... hmm....
I was hoping this relationship ended on better terms and not like this... but I'm guessing that I breaking up with him must have really bruised his ego and now he wants to find any little small reason to hate me... and quite possibly make me hate him so I will say something incredibly insulting about him, and then he'll REALLY have a reason to hate me. Well yes, I am quite peeved that he is behaving like this, but I still prefer to remember the good times. I took down all the pictures of us together in my room... but kept them away in an album. The way his temper is, I wouldn't put it pass him to take any pictures of me and or anything I gave him, throw it into a pile and burn it up to ashes.
But anyhow, since the new year brings renewal and refreshing, this incident, as sad as it is, also makes me glad for the possibilities of new and much better relationships to come. Hahaha, now THAT is really corny crap. :)
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