But anyway, since I started working at Accenture, which is approximately four and a half months now, I have been able to enjoy listening to internet radio through my laptop while I am at work. Which sometimes annoys the guy sitting behind me, coz' sometimes when he calls me, I can't hear him coz' my ears are plugged into music, so he has to make the extremely difficult effort of moving his chair one metre behind in order to get my attention....but this is also the same guy who has one of those pens with four different coloured inks and perpetually annoys the hell out of me by clicking and releasing the pen repeatedly throughout the day.... so the loud music helps to drown out this annoying clicking noise and keeps me sane. But back to the topic...
Among some of the internet radio stations I like to listen to are some Christian rock stations... which is really refreshing to listen to coz' you'd never hear Christian music on local radio.... the closest I get to hearing Christian music on local radio is songs with very, very subliminal Christian messages such as "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. And maybe "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence... but they declared that they are not a Christian band, so that may not count. So I'm pretty glad I get to listen to Christian stuff online... and one of the songs I heard online and really, really, really like is "Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet (the song is on my blog's music player playlist, in case you didn't notice).
It's not exactly the kind of song most people would enjoy, given that it sounds like rather hardcore rock... and usually I wouldn't like hardcore rock if there's a lot of tuneless and mindless screaming, and the instruments are used to make noise rather than music. But I reeeeaaaallllyyy love this song coz' for one, the guitar riffs are amazing and the whole song is just really catchy. Two, I like that even though the song sounds really dark and depressing, the lyrics are actually about God being there for us in our loneliness and sadness, and basically being our 'light in the dark'.
Another song by Skillet which is pretty good is called "Yours To Hold", which is much more relaxing slow rock song. Yet another song from them is this very Hillsong-like live version of a song called "Who Is Like Our God?". Basically the first 3 songs I heard from Skillet sound so different... but they were all really good. So I thought, wow, I think it's actually worth getting their album. And I thought I'd just do some reading up on this band.
I was expecting Skillet to be the typical rock band where all the members are guys, especially since the lead singer is a guy. Then I found out that the band consists of two men and two women. One of the ladies, named Lori Peters, plays the drums. The other woman, Korey Cooper, plays the guitar and keyboards as well as sings backup. The lead singer also happens to be her husband, John Cooper, who also plays bass. And they have two kids! The other guy is some fella whose name I can't be bothered to remember... coz' I too busy being at awe at the fact that a Christian rock band that plays such hardcore music consists of two women....neither of which are on lead vocals. In most bands, the female would be the vocalist and the musicians would all be guys (examples being the Cranberries, Evanescence and Sixpence None the Richer). The fact that Korey can play such great guitar riffs, AND be married to the lead singer, with two kids, is even more awesome! And the lead singer is a pretty hot looking guy too. Just look at the pic. :)

So now, I've decided to become a total hypocrite and say I want to be Korey Cooper. Though not in the sense that I want to look exactly like her... but I want her life!!! I want to be in a rock band and play really good electric guitar and be married to a hot guy who happens to be the lead singer of my band!!! That would be sooo COOL! Plus, since they're not superbly famous, I wouldn't have to deal with crazy paparazzi invading my privacy every chance they can get... which is in unfortunate price of super fame that I know I wouldn't stand. And of course, the fact that they are all Christians with very obvious Christian themes in their music, makes their life even more cool. :) I could live without the two kids though.... not exactly a priority in my life right now. Though I can only imagine how interesting their kids' lives must be...they probably got a baby guitar on their first birthdays and learned how to play it before they could walk or something like that. Haha... But since becoming Korey Cooper is a wish that will never come true, the most I can settle for is downloading all Skillet's music and playing air guitar in my room. :P
Though, I may have a chance to live my rock band dreams soon enough... at least for one night. My company has this annual dinner coming up in March, and apparently all the new joiners (me included) are expected to put on a performance during the dinner, and one of the things we can do is play in a band. So I informed one of the committee members that I am interested to be in a band as a guitarist (and possibly singer)... but they need to find other new joiners who are also willing to form a band. And I wouldn't know them, so it kind of be like one of those other silly reality shows where they audition a bunch of singing wannabes and put the best ones together to form a teeny bopper group like Spice Girls. Of course, in this case, there's no auditions... and we are (thankfully) not forming a teeny bopper band. I just really hope the other people can actually play their instrument pretty well, and that we get along well enough to perform well. And the really cool part is that we get to rent a studio to do our practices before the annual dinner... and we and claim the rental charges from office! Wah liow!!! I don't really like my job... but I reeeaaaallly like my company. It's good to be in a company that makes too much money for their own good. ;)
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