I have red phone!:

I have red camera!:

I have big red Bible!:

I have red gerbil????:

Now I have an a brand new red blog!!! :) Well, it's not completely new... the website is still the same... and I kept the tagboard and hit counter.... but everything else is completely changed. And I finally managed to get my blog template to work! Woohoo! *Chicken dance around my room in celebration* Ok, credit doesn't completely go to me. I have to thank my more technically savvy Bernard for solving my template woes. Apparently it was only the Blogger preview that made my blog looked all messed up. So he added a few things in, and though it still looks messed up in preview mode, it looks fine when saved as the actual template. Yay! Thank you, my big duhduh brother!
So after all my hard work relearning html, scratching my head at how to make things look the way I want it to, as well as googling everywhere for cool programs and stuff to add to my blog, here's what I ended up with:
1) The picture of the girl in the title head was hand-drawn by yours truly, and yours truly also coloured it using Paint.net, which is a very cool and FREE (which makes it super cool!) program similar to Photoshop. It's the same program I used to make my gerbil red too . :P
2) The words "Crimson Shadow", which is my new blog title, just coz' it sounds neat, was made using the font generator at Cool Text Generator. I then made it transparent and pasted it on top of the red and black background, which was made using Adobe Illustrator.
3) The ticker showcasing the artsy farty pics I have taken is a nice little thing I got from Twango, the site I use to keep my photos and videos. For free. I did a LOT of research to find this photo site...it has practically everything I could ever want, and no other photo site also lets you post videos for free. I could go on forever about how great it is, so I shall refrain....for now.
4) My blog background, which is actually mainly the flowery swirly things on the left, is just a nice background I got off the net. It was initially a different colour, but after much editing, I made it how it is now. The resolution isn't too great coz' I enlarged it... so I *might* change it later on...if I feel like it. :P
5) The most cool music flash player on the right sidebar is something I made at My Flash Fetish. The player plays the songs I choose from sites that store the selected songs...so I loaded my files at Fileden and made the player linked to those songs. The slightly sucky thing is that the music might take a while to load, so it sounds choppy at first. But if you put it in 'Pause' mode, go take a shower, have your dinner, or watch some Korean serials on your laptop, by the time you're done, it would've fully loaded and plays smoothly. :) The songs start off nice and easy and progress slightly more hard core, so don't get a shock if you hear a bit Evanescence-ish stuff coming out.
All in all, I'm quite proud of my changes. It certainly does look a lot better than before, when it looked like some kids splattered paint on the background. But before this, I really didn't have a solid idea of what I wanted for my blog... until recently when I thought about it, and suddenly had a very good idea of what I wanted it to look like. Well, it pretty much came out the way I envisioned...so hope you guys like it too. If not, at least you'll have no problem remembering what my favourite colour is! :P
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