Sunday, July 31, 2005

The mother of rojak ramblings!

Two weeks into uni now and I still haven't gotten out of the holiday mood, especially now with even more cool tv shows to watch practically everyday like Tru Calling, Angel and Desperate Housewifes (not the kind of show I expected to watch, but it's quite hilarious!), in addition to the Buffy reruns (and the Simpsons after Buffy!), three CSI series, Lost, Fear Factor and other miscellaneous stuff I watch here and there for the heck of it....I think I might actually be turning into a couch potatoe! Aaaiiieeeee!!!! I always used to pride myself on the fact that I could probably survive without a tv for ages (I did so in Aussieland coz' my house didn't have tv for a whole semester!) I might have to revamp my tv addiction status...haha!
Anyways, updating on the taekwondo issue, my instructor decided a few weeks ago to pull me away from the class I was in charge of to assist him at another class...not because he no longer wants me to take over a class some day, but because he knows I'm still not ready and I need more guidance from him. Which in a way is a big relief for me coz' I was starting to get little nervous breakdowns thinking too much about my taekwondo issues. Me thinks I've been so used to getting praises most of my life for always doing things well that once I heard people actually critisizing my teaching like the parents did... even though I knew I shouldn't take it to heart, worrying about what the parents would say next just took away my fun in teaching the class. I mean, I like teaching the kids and fooling around with them sometimes, and I think quite a few of them like the way I teach coz' I'm not as much of a killjoy as some other assistants...but gosh, when their parents are standing around scrutinizing my every move like a hawk and reporting to Mr. Arul everything I do wrong...that just really takes the fun out of it. I've even been having dreams about parents complaining! And I hardly ever remember my dreams!!! I would just love to teach a class where the parents aren't around, or it's a completely new class where nobody knows how my instructor teachs so they don't expect me to be as good as him. And if that wasn't already stressful enough, then comes along these problems with some troublesome assistants. I think things are ok now between me and the female assistant, and even though while she was still mad at me she claimed that I was 'losing' my taekwondo friends, I don't quite see that happening coz' everyone is still talking to me and friendly to me, including that girl's brother! Ah vell...I'm just glad my instructor got all of us together a few weeks ago and told us all that we're supposed to a team and not get all upset with each other got of small problems...he didn't mention the problems or who was having a problem with whom, but he told us this because of my problem with the girl, and I guess most of them understood. Nevertheless, I still have a feelings that a lot more politics might crop up among us later on, what with the gossiping that I'm pretty sure is going on between some of the black belts, especially the girls (the downside of the female species, I always say...) and also with that other guy who wanted my class and talked crap about me behind my back. I suspect he's going to have a problem with anyone who is a threat to him getting what he wants... even our instructor if he doesn't let him take over a school. In fact, that guy is the one my instructor put in charge of the class I was teaching.... and not because my instructor thinks he's ready to take that class but coz' my instructor wants him to learn his lesson in wanting to take on something he's not ready for. The class is probably going to end up a bigger mess than before, which is a bit of a spaz to me coz' I know all the kids there and I don't want them to be doing rojak taekwondo. But I need to continue learning from my instructor and there's nothing I can do about that class now. Now I just hope I actually DO learn something from spending more time with my instructor. :P Anyhow, at least that guy seems to be the only one to really watch out for.... all the other assistants are really great people who work together pretty well. Yeehah for that! :P
Ya, anyway, I was supposed to talk about today, which was a busy but good day. I went to visit the child care centre with the usual Project Elijah gang, and we helped the kids make masks, which was pretty fun, but extremely messy (note to self: a bottle of glitter around 14 hyperactive children is NOT a good idea!). Then played the usual kiddy games before we had to ciow for a dinner at a church aunty and uncle's place. They had the dinner as a special treat for us church youth (apparently something God had been nagging the aunty, whose name is Mary, to do for a long time. I don't know why, but I ain't complaining! :D). That was pretty fun too. At one point, the bunch of us was sitting around chatting and I started playing one of those annoying mind-boggling games where you have to figure the pattern to what I say, and it got almost everyone's attention (except for some who probably didn't want to think too much and just ent off. Kakaka! :P). Well, most of them figured out my first game, so I moved on to a second one, and then my cell leader Kelvin started telling jokes, which of course got the rest of us telling dumb jokes. Haha, it was all just hilarious! Would love to tell one of Kelvin's jokes about an Indian airline (with apologies to the Indians.:P) but right now I need to hit the sack coz' it's another busy day tomorrow. Byeee!!!!

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