I'm among this strange group of people who believe that about 2000 years ago, God made a virgin pregnant and she gave birth to a boy who turned out to be God's own son.
We believe that this boy grew up to become the one and only perfect person that ever has and ever will walk the earth.
We believe that this person this some really cool miracles like walking on water, healing people's diseases and even bringing a dead fella back to life.
We believe that this person took upon Himself all the sins of everybody else and willingly died a cruel and exceedingly torturous death on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sins.
We believe that 3 days after his death, He resurrected from the dead and went to heaven, to be with God.
We believe that God this all this because His love for all people is so deep and so unfailing that until today, even though many still refuse Him, reject him and mock his name, He still loves them and He never stops trying to show them His love.
For me, the last part may be the hardest to understand. I can accept that to an all-powerful God, miracles and resurrections must be easy peasy stuff. But if God has feelings... and He must have feelings since He is capable of love, then how does He deal with being rejected by so many of the people He loves? For any normal person, I think, being pushed away by just one person they care so much about would just make them want to implode. And considering people can so easily disappoint, most of time it's just easier not to care.
But for a loving God, I suppose not caring is really not an option. He continues to love and continues to deal with the rejection even though it probably hurts a heckuva lot. Somehow or another, He doesn't give up on people. And if God doesn't give up on people, then I don't think He'll let me give up so easily either. Even though it hurts heckuva lot. Aarrgh!
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