I caught this little bugger minding it's own business at one of the estates last week, and I decided to adopt it as my blog mascot. My dragonfly identifying friend wasn't online tonight, so I had to try and identify it on my own... and from some pictures I googled, I figure it's of the species
Rhodothemis rufa... so I decided to name him Rufus. And why does my blog need a mascot? Well... why not??? Rufus will be stuck on my blog sidebar from now... promoting the freedom and rights of dragonflies all over the world.

I also got quite up close and personal to this rather big grasshopper, that was taking a walk around on a coffee table.... and since I was a bit too free at the time, I caught a short video of it.
The grasshopper got a tad bit TOO up close and personal with me at that last bit. Should be enough to satiate my fascination for bugs for a while... at least until the next trip to an estate, that is.
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