Well, I had a pretty good weekend. Gerald came to visit me on Saturday and went back today (Sunday) and we went to visit KLCC's Aquaria, which was a really nice place. I'm impressed coz' it seems as good or even better than Singapore's Underwater World. What a miracle! Of course, we took a ton of pics, and as usual, I dunno which century I will put them up coz'I'm not done editing them yet, and posting a ton of pics is always a hassle. Posting a few pics, on the other hand, isn't such a problem. And I'm posting some pics of a couple of super cute kitties I found just outside my apartment tonight after Gerald left. I was about to go out to wash my car and Sassy was sniffing around a garbage bag at the grill when I saw her looking at something inside our shoe rack. And since it was low, I couldn't see what was there at first, and I thought there was something in the garbage bag that caught her interest. Then I heard something hissing, and I looked at the shoe rack and saw a kitten hiding there. And then I saw another kitty hiding under the stools next to the shoe rack! The one in the shoe rack was grey and white in colour and was hissing at Sassy a lot, so I took her away just in case the cat decided to scratch her. The other kitty was orange and white in colour, and a lot less hissy. I guess the grey one is the big sister or something! Anyway, my mum shooed both of them out the door, so they both hid in my neighbour's shoe rack instead! And the neighbours weren't too happy either, and they shooed them out too. The poor little kitties ended up in the stairway next to my apartment, and I felt so sorry for them, I gave them some cooked fish to eat. And they were quite wary of me, especially the 'big sister' who kept hissing at me. But I moved slowly towards them and eventually, even hissy big sister kitty let me pet her and give her a nice scratch. So I decided to grab my camera and snap some pics of the two cuties!

Here's the hissy big sister kitty....not so hissy now, fortunately!

And here's the more good natured 'little' sis. :P

The two of them about to go to sleep...

And here's a cute pic of them sleeping!

Eventually I wanted to try and get them a home, so I called up some friends to see if anyone wanted them, but no one could keep them. But I know a girl staying at my apartment area who's so fond of cats, she keeps about 6 of them! So I called her and she offered to send them to PAWS for me as she is heading there tomorrow to send another cat for adoption. She asked if I was willing to donate RM40 per cat to them though, coz' they need the money to care for the animals. And I got my parents to sponsor one kitty each. :P So I took the kitties home for a while to watch them while I waited for my friend to come back from work, and here's a pic of them invading my territory a.k.a. my room!

It took me quite a while to coax the grey big sister out from under my desk, coz' she was hissing at me again and I didn't want to get scratched. But eventually I managed to grab her, and now they're both safe and sound and my friend's place. She says they're really pretty kittens and will most likely get adopted. I sure hope so. Would be such a waste if they had to be put down! Oh well, I did my bit for the animals today. :P
awww man, they're really so cute! =)
hahaha. man you have to update the url of my blog in the right module. http://shay-ne.blogspot.com
xD the kitties are CUTEEE!!
Hi Sh.ayne,
So sorry, but I'm not too sure who you are, so if you could let me know who you are, I could update my blog. Hehe. :P Thanks!
*laughs* that's poh lin u're talking to. XD
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