Thursday, October 19, 2006

Of big burps, sneezes and toothaches

Ok, life is much less dramatic these days, which is just the way I like it. On Sunday, me and my dad treated my eldest bro and his wife (and my mum too) to a buffet lunch to celebrate my bro's birthday. When we were almost done eating, my bro let out a superbly loud burp, which got my mum and his wife chiding him for being so disgusting, while he and I were both laughing. Yes I know it was gross, but gross in a funny sort of way, to me anyway! :P And then my mum said it wasn't as bad as when my dad once sneezed on a woman's head while we were watching a show at Mines Wonderland. I remember she and I were sooo embarassed about it coz' the woman turned around and scolded my dad, and he also dunno where to hide his face. But that was a long time ago, and now we all found it so funny, everyone including my dad was laughing over it for a full 5 minutes. And that was after we had all eaten our fill, so I think our tummies were ready to burst from all the laughing. :P Well, it was great to enjoy a light moment with family again, even though it WAS at my dad's expense, but he was laughing over it too. :D

The lack of drama still doesn't mean everything is all hunky dory in my world. I've been having a toothache these past few days and I just went to see a dentist today who told me that there is something like a cavity within my tooth and bacteria is in it, which is causing the pain. And she said I need to do a root canal, which for the uninformed, means that my tooth will be completed clean out and all the nerves removed as well, leaving behind a dead tooth, which is then filled. And then, to protect the tooth, I can opt to do a crowning. The root canal alone costs RM450 and the crowning is even worse at RM600! However, my mum tells me that all dentists these days suggest doing root canals for the slightest problems, when all they really need to do is to clean the tooth (not removing the nerves, but just cleaning the bacteria) and then fill it up, which costs much less. *Sigh* So sad that in the name of making money, people like dentists (who are meant to HELP other people) suggest doing the most expensive procedures even though it is not necessary. Anyway, I'll be getting some second opinions and hopefully, by the end of this week, I would've gotten a dentist to fix up my tooth, coz' I'm going to Malacca and I wanna enjoy my chicken rice balls!

Oh well, it's time for bed again. Catcha all later!

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