Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What happens to Carol's brain during long holidays...

Aaah! It's Wednesday morning already! I only have one more day of holiday left! NOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Oh well, all good things must come to an end. No more can I spend my whole afternoon playing Neopets games trying to earn as many neopoints as I can in a day. Right now I have over 1,310,000 neopoints, which gives me a yearly interest of 10.5%, so I can collect 377 neopoints a day. I'm hoping to get 10,000,000 neopoints one day so I get the highest interest level possible and become a Neopets Multi-Millionaire! Bwahahaha! Yes people, don't start playing on this website, coz' it will have you so hooked, it must be from the DEVIL, Devil, devil....!!! Hmmm, maybe it's a good thing I'll be going back to work soon....

Well, one thing I'll really miss is the luxury of waking up anytime I want, which is usually around 11am or noon. And the luxury of lazing around in bed for as long as I want. *Sigh* I recently read some interesting news about losing weight in your sleep. Apparently, sleeping less than 8 hours boosts our levels of ghrelin, a hormone thats makes us feel hungry, and suppresses the hormone leptin, which makes us feel full. So the more you sleep, the less hungry you will feel when you wake up and the less you will eat, thus you lose weight. It actually makes sense to me, coz' these past few days I've been sleeping like a pig and throughout the day, I'm not really that hungry. Whereas on a normal working day, where I get less than 8 hours sleep, I usually have quite hearthy appetite. Hmm...I wonder if I could ask my boss to let us come in later to work based on this new info. The conversation would probably go something like this:

Carol: Hi boss! Can we start coming into office after noon? Recent research shows that people can actually lose weight by sleeping more. As such, if everyone at office was allowed to sleep later, we would lose more weight and become healthier. And everyone knows a healthy worker is a more productive worker! So what say you?

Boss: Hmm....can't you just sleep earlier at night??

Carol: But all the good tv shows are on at night! Surely after a long day at work, the hard workers at the office need some time to enjoy some entertainment! Besides, the new season of Desperate Housewives is coming on soon and if I need to know what happened after poor Mike got run down by a car, or else I wouldn't be able to concentrate at work!

Boss: ....Ok, you come into office at 12pm and leave at 9pm. How's that?

Carol: But...but... it would be sooo dark out by the time I leave, and knowing how many sadistic rapists and murderers there are lurking around in lonely parking lots at night, it would be sooo dangerous for us to go back so late. It would be so much safer if we could go back by 6pm!

Boss: Fine. Work from 12pm to 6pm everyday, including Sundays.

Carol: But...but... God declared Sunday as a day of rest! You can't go against God's decree! That's blasphemous!

Boss: Alright, you fired! NEXT!

Carol: ........

Happy last day of holidays, people!

Disclaimer: Information in this post with regards to my interest in Neopets is merely an exaggeration for amusement purposes only, and not to be taken as sign of severe Neopets addiction. Also, while the information pertaining to the news on losing weight while sleeping is true, my intent to request my boss for longer sleeping hours is not (though I can't say the desire is not there). No Naeems were hurt in the posting of this post.

1 comment:

Dissociated Mind said...

*laughs*! You sure spend a lot of time fantasizing about coming into work late! I enjoy that imaginary conversation though. :)