Monday, November 13, 2006

An awful witness.... >:(

Things are getting superbly busy for me right now as my company's school holidays camps are coming up soon and we're still not all that prepared. In addition to having to run a booth at some kid's charity carnival at Bangsar Shopping Complex, and also having to conduct our usual classes, birthday party shows and workshops, I think all of us are being stretched pretty tight. And after office hours, my work still isn't done coz' I still have to prepare for upcoming Discovery Days at church. So if you guys don't hear a peep from me on my blog for while, no need to wonder whether I've fallen off the face of the earth.

It doesn't help that we recently had new colleague come into office last week, who really isn't much help at all... AND he did something so incredibly irresponsible. He's only 20 years with only SPM qualifications, and even though he seemed like a nice guy, he did his work superbly slow and annoyed everyone by asking lots of really silly things. Like once I told him to put a file anywhere in between some other files, and he kept asking me "Here ah? Here ah?". Like, duh, I already said put it ANYWHERE in between. Doink.

But that's not the reason I and my other colleagues are really ticked off with him. This weekend, my colleagues were supposed to help take care of a booth at this children's charity carnival at Bangsar Shopping Complex, and he was supposed to be there too. He should've already known that it is part of the job to work on weekends sometimes as required...but this smart aleck decided that he just wanted to go home during the weekend...just for the fun of it. Of course, when he told my supervisor that, he was pretty annoyed and told the new guy that he either had to find a replacement or work during the weekend and forget about going back to hometown. That happened on Friday.

The next morning, I wake up to go to work (we have to work half days on Saturdays) and I get an sms from the new guy that he's not coming to work on Saturday or Sunday, and he asked me to tell my supervisor for him. At this point, I'm appalled that the guy has the gall to refuse to even go to work half day and can't even tell the supervisor himself. So I sms-ed him back and told him that he had better go the office and tell my supervisor himself or else the supervisor AND our boss would blow their top. He didn't reply to me. When I tried to call him several times, he didn't pick up. And to top it off, when I was at office and my supervisor tried to call him, the call came back to me! Which means the idiot actually diverted the call from the office to my phone!!!!

Needless to say, I am soooo ticked off at the nerve of this guy, and I would fully support the firing of this idiot. There's no way I, or anyone else at the office, would be willing to work with someone can do such a thing. And the thing that really, really, REALLY bugs me is that this guy is actually a Jehovah's Witness! He has the nerve to call himself a 'Christian', and acts all holy holy... talking to some of my colleagues about his faith, saying grace before eating, and going to bible study classes on Tuesday and Thursday (or so he told me). Once last week, this financial advisor came to our office and tried to convince us to join some business workshop, and he went on to tell her that he's a Christian and Jesus teaches us to be contented with what we have... ah bla bla bla.... I was ok with him doing all that... but after his little stunt with ignoring our phone call and using MY phone to divert office calls... I really just feel like smacking him for acting like such a goody two-shoes Christian and then shirking his responsibiities like this. On his first week at work, no less. I doubt he will actually show up at office tomorrow morning, coz' obviously he doesn't care about the job enough to make some effort to keep it. But he's still holding onto our office keys, and if he doesn't at least show up tomorrow to return them, then it goes to show what a real jerk-off he is. Luckily, I even know where he stays coz' I carpooled with him on a few days last week. And if he really doesn't show up tomorrow, I go right over to his house, get the office keys back from him and really give him a good big piece of my mind. For all I know, he would give some Biblical reason to justify why he didn't go to work. Perhaps something along the lines of the Bible saying we are not to work on the Sabbath day (Sunday). By golly, if he did say something like that, I think I really would give him a good smack on the head. Sorry lah, I'm not the model Christian of the year myself, and much as try to be forgiving towards his behaviour, I don't think I can be when he knows what he did was wrong and inconvenienced everyone at work, but he did it anyway, and probably without any remorse. Ugh. Ick. How sickening.

Anyway, I REALLY hope he'll save me the trouble of sounding him at his house, and come to office tomorrow. For now, I'm off to bed. Ciow!

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