Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A nice reward!

Yesterday, in one of my classes (a quirky little subject called How Science Works), the lecturer was talking about genetically-modified (GM) crops, and somehow or another he came about to discussing the beliefs of different religions about GM crops. There were some statistics saying how most Christians and Muslims were opposed to GM crops, saying it was unnatural and immoral to genetically modify crops, which is like playing God and all that. Now I'm not here to discuss my views on this topic, coz' quite frankly I'm still not sure what my views are in the first place. But at point, my lecturer asked the class who were Christians. There's like 20 to 30 people in my class, with no Malays, but I got a surprise when I was the only one putting up my hand. I supposed I was kind of expecting that out of so many people, at least a few would be Christians, but not so. Either that, or the people who were Christians were simply too shy to put up their hands, seeing that no one else did except me. Very typical Malaysian mentality, unfortunately. Which would be kinda sad if it were true, coz' I don't see why Christians should be shy of admitting their beliefs. In fact, the Bible tells us that if we are ashamed of God before men, God will be ashamed of us. Haha, fortunately I'm not one to follow the crowd if it doesn't suit me, so I put up my hand, and the lecturer was asking me a few things about my beliefs and all. Nothing controversial. Except that later on, he said something like how Protestants were more liberal with their beliefs compared to Catholics, and even said that Protestants believe divorce is ok and stuff like that, and I was like "Whaaaatt????" coz' the latter is so not true. Ack, maybe I should've set the record straight with him. :P
But anyway, today I got a nice surprise during the tutorial for the same class. Some time ago, we all had been divided into groups of four to make this poster based on different topics, and my lecturer had told us that the group with the best poster would get a prize. My group's topic was Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents, and on the poster presentation day, even though out poster was good in that in could be read easily from afar and it was colourful and eye-catching, I realised it was really inadequate in terms of the information. And when the lecturers were coming around asking us about our posters, there wasn't enough information on the posters, as well as in our heads, to answer all their questions. I thought we'd definitely not win the prize, but lo and behold! Today my lecturer announced my group as the winner, and we had this whole prize presentation ceremony with the director of the Science faculty, and photos taken. Pretty surprising to me, coz' I thought some of the other posters were better. Oh well, maybe it's God's way of rewarding me for acknowledging my faith. :D :D :D. I can sense all the non-Christians out there wanting to throw tomatoes at me or something, hehe. Oh well, whatever it was, I thank God for the prize, which was a nice RM100 MPH voucher for the four of us in my group. Considering I hardly ever read, will probably use my share to buy a nice Christian rock cd at Midvalley's MPH. LOL.

1 comment:

Dissociated Mind said...

wah! Nice... reminds me of the time I won my research prize too in the poster category and received my $50 MPH voucher.. But I didn't use it!! *waaAAAhhhh* :~(