Had a pretty packed up day yesterday.
9.00 - 10.30am: Had a test for one of my scariest subjects ever, Genomic and Human Molecular Genetics. Wasn't actually all that bad, the test.
11.00am-12.30pm: Had a taekwondo class to teach
12.30-1.00pm: Busy collecting fees and fielding off a gazillion questions from taekwondo kids' parents
1.00-2.00pm: Rushed back home to shower before rushing back out again
2.00-4.30pm: Went to Ipoh White Coffee at SS15 to celebrate my dear Uncle King's birthday (an A levels lecturer from Sunway I've known for a several years now). Had a hearty meal of chicken rice and the most humungous slice of cake I've ever seen in my life
4.30-7.00pm: Flew off to Petaling Jaya to the WAO Child Care Centre (CCC) where some other CBC-ers were already there to take the kids out to the park.
Come to think of it, I've never mentioned the CCC in my blog, have I? Good golly gosh. Oh well, better late than never. For the part few months, me and a bunch of other folks from my church have been taking time out every couple of weeks to go visit a home for children who's mothers have been abused by their fathers. So they're technically not orphans, but are abused women's children. There's a total of 16 kids, the youngest being 3 and the oldest being 14, with most of them being younger than 10. All Indians or Malays...and they're are an adorable bunch of kids. Really, really, really cute! It's such a joy being with them, coz' the boys are so hyper, they do the silliest and funniest things, while the girls are so cute, they just hang onto you and just wanna tell you everything they've been doing. There're two sisters who always love it when I swing them around. Fortunately, they're still young and light, so I haven't broke my back swinging them around yet.
Yesterday, I was actually kinda planning not to go for the visit coz' I thought I should use the time to do my uni work and maybe catch up on my studying. But I'd already missed the last visit, and yesterday a question came into my head as I wondered whether I should go or not: In the big picture, would I rather remember myself as having spent all my time trying to ace my exam and producing great assignments/lab reports/etc, or would I rather remember myself as having spent time with those kids and imparting some good, fun memories to them? Naturally, I decided to go after that.
Anyway, would love to put up some pics of those super adorable kids, but considering their dads are still around and about and would probably love to know where they're kids are so they can try and nab them back (the CCC is at a secret location, to protect them from their dads), I and the others aren't supposed to publicly show photos of the kids or reveal their location. But yeah, yesterday was fun. :)
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