I have one and a half weeks before my new semester starts. Then it's back to another stressful eight months, with a one month break in between...and then I graduate! Wee ha!!! And then I'll probably be doing my honours, which will take up another one year. And then I'll graduate with honours! Wee ha!!!! And then I'll get a job and work my butt off for the rest of my life paying off my house and car(s) and my kid's university education, before I retire at 50-something and bum around until I die. Wee ha!!!
*Sigh*...life is just dandy, isn't it? :p
When u put it like this... yeah, of course it sounds depressing. hahahah Life is great when u hv friends and family, and u hv a goal to work towards to and enjoy what u do. Sounds cliche, but I'm finding it true. :)
Yeah.. and it's taking time to smell the flowers. For me, it's smelling the pages of new books and sipping coffee... Or smelling coffee and reading books. Whichever. hahahah
Hehe, I know there's a lot more to life than just that. Just felt like saying that one day...maybe it'll hit home for some people who actually do think life is just that, so maybe they'll actually try to do something better with their lives. Of course, it could have the opposite effect, but ah well. :P Haha!
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