Monday, January 24, 2005

Website work in progress...

I haven't been updating my blog lately coz' I've been spending most of my time working on my latest pet project (which hopefully I will finish, unlike most of my earlier pet projects which I had said I was going to do but never did, or never bothered to finish. *Sigh*), my poetry website. After eons of building up my collection of artistic meshes of words known as poems and songs, I've finally decided to it's large and worthy enough to take up a bit of web space. But to make a website, I either had to know html, or find a webhost that allowed me to build a website without requiring html. Plus I wanted a host from a poetry website so that I could get more people's critiques on my work. Considering I knew next to nothing about html except that it mainly involves a bunch of words stuck in between these two symbols, <>, I went for the latter option.
One of the first poetry webhosts I found did not require html, but had few customizable templates, and I'd have to put up with a million and one ads popping up around my poetry. In other words, it was crap.
After a bit more searching, I came across another poetry webhost that allowed website building with or without html. So I tried making some pages without html, using their templates. The amount of work I had to put into changing and editing each template to suit the style I wanted was just WAY TOO MUCH! Gave up on that after a couple of pages, since I knew I would have over 80 more pages of that crap to go through, since I have just about that many poems, plus I'd have to make all the navigational pages as well. So I was left with the one and only option to make a good looking website quickly and easily....learn html. Arrrrrrgghhh!!! Me? Learn html? It's like learning a whole new mumbo jumbo-ish computer geek language! I SO suck at languages! I can't even speak Chinese without sounding like an alien, and I AM a Chinese....:P
Luckily, there are a few good sites to learn html on the net...the one I chose to refer to was It was actually not as hard as I thought, coz' I knew basicly how html worked, just that I didn't know most of exactly what I could do with it. I learned most of the html tutorial in just a couple of days. Then I decided to learn the css stuff as well, coz' I learned from my bro that css is useful for changing the whole look of a website by just editing one page, known as a stylesheet. Lotta work saved from having to edit every single page if you wanna give your webpage a different appearance. I knew less of css then I knew of html, but again it wasn't all that difficult. Learned it in a few days as well. How much I remember of both, of course, it a completely different story, and I've had to refer back to that website most of the time when I'm working on my webpage. But as it is, after working at it for more than a week and fine-tuning the final design of my page, I'm all set to start typing all that poetry of mine in. In between, I've had to figure out how to make my text appear the way I want to, in the font I want to, at the position I want to... and same goes for my images and whatever else on the page. And also had to figure out the meaning of some of the javascripts I ripped off from other sites offering them, used to make my webpage look cooler. :) The most recent one I ripped from, which is for an expandable/collapsible menu has been the most annoying because I had to figure out how to make it match the look of the rest of my webpage. And yes, I managed to figure it out, with much celebration (just ask Leon! ^_^) and without too much head banging against the wall...although it seems to only work on the later versions of IE and Netscape, but not for Mozilla Firefox or other less used browsers. Oh well, you Mozzie users can just navigate my page the normal way and miss out on the cool expandable menu thing.
Anyway, I still got a lot of work to go, but by the time I'm finished, even though it won't be the most professional or coolest looking website on the net, I'm still gonna be super proud of it coz' it was made through all my own hard work and perseverance! Bwahahahahaha!!!!

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