Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pics of my pups!

Yay! I finally put up the pics of my gerbil pups on my dotphoto website. For those who didn't bother to bookmark it the last time (shame on you), it's at htp:// They've grown so fast and are such cute active little furballs compared to the pathetic looking scrawny and hairless things they once were.

Anyway, I know I kind of disappeared off the face of the bloggerworld for a while. I think it started around the time my gerbil babies were born, and I was spending most of my time after work fiddling around with them, so I didn't have much time to blog. Now that my tribe of rodents has expanded, I was considering getting a new cage so I can separate the males from the females. Males in one cage, females in another. Right now, I have a plasic container, which is ok except that I can't fit a wheel in there for them to run in, and I really want that. I also have wire cage, which I found out after some research that it's not good for gerbil feet coz' they can't get their feet hurt on the wire bottoms, and also coz' I can't put bedding in it. So I wanted to get a nice new cage, with a flat bottom, lots of nice funnels for them to run around in, a big wheel, and a high wall so that the bedding doesn't fly everywhere whenever they feel the urge to dig like mad (which happens pretty often, which is ok in the plastic container, but not in a wire cage coz' of the big mess!). But today I had the eureka idea of saving some cash by removing the wire bottom and the tray (used to catch droppings) from the bottom of my cage, and taping up the tray slit so no bedding comes out when I put it in. I also taped up the wall a bit, also to prevent flying bedding. And now I have a modified cage with a flat bottom, in which my gerbil family seems quite happy in. Hopefully they don't manage to chew right chew the cellophane tape or something. But anyhow, mission is accomplished: Money has been saved. Yay! Of course, should some kind soul still decide to donate me a nice new home for my gerbs, I wouldn't kick a fuss. My birthday is coming up by the way. ;) The Crittertrail series are pretty cool...*hint hint* Haha, I'm so funny. Other people have dream homes, and I have a dream gerbil home. Hmm...

Ok, I'm pretty sure no one really cares much about my rodents except me, so I shall cease blabbering about

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