Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My celebrity look-alikes

Modern technology has produced yet another incredibly useful program to help make our lives just a wee bit more interesting... a celebrity lookalike finder! And of course, itchified little me just had to find out which famous celebs look like me... and here are the results!

Well, honestly, I haven't heard of any these people except for Hayden Panettiere, who's the invincible chick in the new series Heroes. But they all look pretty, so I'm cool with it. :D I quite like the chick with the red hair, BoA. Wonder if I would look good in that hair colour!

Well, being even more itchified, I decided to test how precise this program was by throwing several different angles of my profile to see whether I would still look like the same celebrities. The answer is no.

The only two celebs who still share my similarities are Zoe Tay and BoA. And apparently I also have a strikingly similar appearance to Chow Yun Fatt. How quaint. I also share a 90% similar appearance to Joey Yung, whom I've never heard of before. But she also looks pretty hot, so I guess if I were to look like anybody famous, I wouldn't mind looking like that! So how about if looking at me from the opposite angle?

Now I look the most like Shu Qi! Hmm... and Joey Yung appears again, but this time I share the lowest percentage of similar appearance to her (68%). Miriam Yeung appears a second time too, also sharing 74% similarity (same as the first time!) And for the third time round, Zoe Tay appears again. Is she supposed to be my long-lost twin or something?

Then I wondered what would happen if I tried the pouty look. Maybe I could look something like Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba. And once again, itchified Carol decided to try it out, and here are the results:

Hey I look most similar to some Japanese dude!

Well, perhaps the wonders of modern technology isn't all that it's cracked out to be. Hah!

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