Monday, February 12, 2007

Too many babies!

In a couple of days, I'm gonna be an aunt!!! Woo hoo! My brother's wife is pregnant and the baby is almost due, so they're going into hospital for a Cesarean this Tuesday. The ultrasound showed that it's gonna be a girl, so I'm gonna have a little niece in two days. And they're gonna name her Elizabeth. EEEEeee.... before this when kids called me 'aunty', I could just tell them off and make them called me 'jie jie'. Now I can't run away... I really am gonna be an aunty! Yaaarrgh!!!! Ah well, life goes on.

I'm gonna be an 'aunty' in another way too. I don't think I've ever mentioned it on my blog before, but I've been keeping some pet gerbils since end of last year. For those who have no idea what gerbils are, they're pretty much glorified rats...but cuter and they don't bite. One of my colleagues bought a female gerbil last year, and named her 'Girl Girl' (yes, I know it's the most unoriginal name on the planet). Anyway, it turns out that she was pregnant, so out popped two young uns... one female we called Honey and another slightly darker male whom we named Coffee. But then my colleague migrated to New Zealand coz' he got a job offer there, so he left the gerbil family to me. So now Honey and Coffee are all grown up... and I suspect Coffee has been getting it on with the ladies, so now Girl Girl is pregnant again! At least, it looks like it. And I dunno how many young uns are gonna pop out this time, but I sure hope it won't be too many coz' my little box can't fit so many gerbils! I do have another cage, which I can throw Honey inside once the babies are born, so that the mum and dad can take care of their kiddies. Or I could be wrong and Girl Girl isn't actually pregnant...which I hope is the case. If not, I'm gonna have to start home hunting for the little critters.

So along that train of thought, anyone wanna adopt some gerbils? Like I said, they don't bite (much) and they're pretty cute to watch. You'd need to buy your own cage though. :P Oh yeah, I've been working on an online photo album to put my pics too. It's at And I have some pics of my gerbils there, so you guys can check it out. :) Will probably have some pics of my baby niece and my baby gerbils up there soon, so keep in tune!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Carol said...

Sorry... who are you and why would you be thanking me for this?