And since I'm on the topic of transportation, I've also always thought it would be nice if cars were made with some other modifications here and there to make life on the road, or to be more specific, life on Malaysian roads, a little less stressful.... Mostly such modifications would help in releasing the tensions of drivers that have to deal with other drivers who seem to have forgotten the rules of the road. Among some of the useful modifications I would love to have on my car are:
1) Retractable bulldozer thingy in front of the car - Ok, I can't come up with a better name for it myself, but this would be perfect for all those times I get stuck on a road which is supposed to be more than wide enough for two cars to pass through, and then a whole bunch of lazy buggers who couldn't be bothered to find a proper parking space further away decide to park on the side of that road and block it up so only one car can pass through. This is a particularly annoying problem at the road just outside Monash. Parking is difficult to get near uni after 9am, so some wise guys will park on BOTH sides of the road outside the hostel, thus making what is supposed to be a two way road into a one way road.... and cars coming from both directions get jammed up there ever so often. I'm glad I got staff parking now, so I don't have to deal with that anymore, but before I had that, I always wished I had a bulldozer thingy attached to the front of my car that I could use to bulldoze all those annoying cars out of the way. Of course, I might get into trouble for damaging their cars, but considering their cars aren't supposed to be parked on the road in the first place, any damage to their cars is their own fault and not the other person's.... All the more fun for me!
2) Fart-O-Matic - This lovely little gizmo could be attached to either the front or the back of my car (preferably one on each end) and could be used in multiple situations. For example, if a pedestrian was walking across the road in front of me at the speed of a snail because for some reason he/she either thinks that all the cars are supposed to stop for him, or he's immune to cars hitting him, one press of a button on the Fart-O-Matic will release a disgusting fart smell (complete with sound effect!) from the front of my car straight at the annoying ped. That would hopefully cause the annoying ped to speed up and out of my way in a blink of an eye. The Fart-O-Matic Pro, which releases an even more smelly fart for several seconds, would be the one attached to the back of my car, to be used in the event of an annoying driver
driving super close to my car's rear end. One press of a button, and the annoying tailgater would be miles behind me. Could also be used to send a nice message to cars behind me who have those super annoying blinding white headlights or put their headlights on high.... Since I can't blind them with my headlights in return, might as well stimulate some of their other senses..... Bwahahaha!
Well, that's two of the best modifications I could think of so far. Still need to think of some nice car modifications to deal with drivers who don't understand that Red on a traffic light means stop, and drivers who dunno how to use their indicators when they want to switch lanes or turn, and so on. But for now, I think if I sent in my new car design to some of those big shot car manufacterers like Toyota and BMW, I'd make a ton of money from all the people buying my designs. Hehehehe! :P
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