So I took a nice cozy drive to Malacca on Monday, which is probably my longest lone drive on the highway ever, and my Kelisa didn't break down. Woohoo! I got there and met up with him near the toll gate, where he took me to the guesthouse I was planning to stay at. And after that, we just hung out with each other for the rest of the day at Mahkota Parade, getting to know each other better up close and personal. The next day we visited Malacca Zoo, and the day after that, we went to visit the Butterfly Park and watched Ice Age 2. And during the weekend, we both went to do some volunteer work at the WWF Turtle Management Centre in Masjid Tanah (about an hour away from Malacca City), which is the project I'd been planning to go on with my RIKL group members (though out of my 8 original group members, only me and another member could come. The rest were all other people!). I think on Monday, he also took me to try some Chicken Rice Balls, which is normal chicken rice rolled into the balls and served with Hainanese steamed chicken. Before that, I was never really liked steamed chicken, but omigod, I have to say that was the best steamed chicken I've had in my life! you all gotta try it when you go to Malacca! :D
Anyway, asides from the super nice chicken rice balls, every day was so fun coz' Gerald and I got along really well and even when we were just walking along together in silence, which usually gets awkward with other people, but with him I felt quite comfortable not saying anything and just walking along holding hands. Oh yeah, he's not one of those guys who doesn't like holding hands in public. Another plus point for me! And he doesn't mind saying silly mushy stuff to me, which I shall not divulge here coz' it all personal stuff, but that's also another plus point. Personality wise, I think he's practically all I could I want. Physically, maybe he's not so hot, but I dun care too much coz' that means other girls won't try to steal him away from me. :P But it would be nice for him to lose a bit more belly, and maybe grow his hair a little longer so it's nicer to run my hair through it. Haha, I know he's gonna read this sometime, so please don't kill me, dear :P I'm starting to feel a bit like a movie critic, giving him brownie points for everything I like about him. But he gets a lot of brownie points, so I'm sure he won't mind (right right? :P) Only sucky thing is that he lives so far from me, but it could be good in a way, coz' it gives us more chance to get to know each other better through chatting intead of risk being caught up in the physical aspect. Plus, we can't complain about not giving each other space coz' we both got plenty of space! Lol! We'll both work that out along the way, after some time getting to know each other better.
We took a ton of photos during my little stay there, of course. Lotsa zoo animal pics. Lotsa butterfly farm pics. And of course, some pics of us together. And you all know it takes me forever and a day to get all my pics together for your viewing pleasure, but here's just one nice little pic of the two of us during sunset at the beach near the turtle sanctuary. Try not to get too jealous, girls. Kwakwakwa! :P

I must say, I'm sure glad my love prediction for 2006 that I wrote about some time ago didn't come true. :D
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