Hey all, I'm a little late again with the festive greetings, but here I go: Happy New Year! Wishing you blessing and happiness and love and all that other good stuff!
I wasn't around for a while coz' I went to Singapore for holiday last week with my friend Kooi Im, and had my countdown there. I went to the zoo (but of course!) and also met up with Charlene, the lady from the research and conservation department, whom I've been corresponding with for a job there. She turned out to be super nice, and we just chatted a bit so she could know more about me and I could ask more about what they do at the zoo. Actually, I think I did more asking about the zoo than she did asking about me! So it wasn't actually an interview but more like a 'getting-to-know-each-other' session. She did say that my CV is very impressive, and that they are planning to expand the research and conservation department this year, which is GOOD coz' they're gonna be needing more people then! The bad news is that apparently, many other people have applied to work at the zoo as well. But the other good news is that she said is was good that I went to meet her face to face, whereas the others just sent in their CV, but she hasn't met them personally. So meeting up with her does give me an advantage, I hope! I definitely showed that I really wanted to work at the zoo, which I think is good. Only thing is that I don't think I 'selled myself' enough and didn't stress on my abilities that would be an asset to the zoo. But I just sent her an email, saying thanks for meeting up with me and also highlighting some stuff about me which I think would be plus points for me. If anything else, Charlene can hopefully tell that I really really really want this job, with all my persistance! Well, all I can do now is hope and pray that I will hear the good news from her really soon. Pray for me, pretty pleeeeease!!!!
Oh, I also visited the Night Safari, Underwater World and other places on Sentosa Island, as well as the Singapore Science Centre. For the countdown, we went to Clarke Quay, which is the riverside where there're a lot of posh restaurants that cost a bomb to eat at. We ended up eating at McDonalds and hanging out at the nearby shopping complex until it closed before hanging out at Clarke Quay. There was a mardi gras, so we watched that for a while, then headed to a bar to buy and share a Singapore Sling (famous local drink) and stood around watching football until the countdown. After that, we watched the fireworks and then went back to our hostel. Kooi Im got a bit drunk from the drink (very low alcohol tolerance due to low body mass, a.k.a. she's too freakin' small so she gets drunk easier than big girls like me!) so she got to bed pretty quick. Got a lot of pics, so I'll get round to posting them soon, I hope. :P Anyway, the trip was really fun, even though I did so much walking around and my feet were dying most of the time. Now it's time to get back to normal life and a new year...
1 comment:
oOoh.. I'm so envious of your trip! I've been wanting to visit Singapore myself!
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