After many moons of promising to post those pics from my trip to Singapore, I finally decide to get my lazy arse round to doing it. Of course, there are way too many to post all at once, so lemme start by bombarding you all with the pics I took at Singapore Zoo. Enjoy, my fellow primates!

Let's start off with a greeting from this cute little bugger I met at the petting zoo. I dunno why they call 'em guinea pigs when they don't look a thing like pigs, and I doubt they're from New Guinea...(I could be wrong)

I think this guy I met near the zoo entrance wanted to say hi, but was a bit shy...

The croc was doing what it does best at a zoo...laze around 90% of the time...

This very purrrty white Bengal tiger was happily wading around the pool...probably thinking how nice it would be to have one of the zoo visitors over in its enclosure for lunch

...Or the tiger could be hoping to have over the zebras, so he can let them know what he thinks about them copying his fashion sense :P

The penguins are also into the black and white look, but aren't too hot about stripes... Well, they're not too 'hot' about anything, I guess...

And while the penguins are looking smart in their "tuxedos", the tapirs prefer to be more comfy in their big "diapers".

And since we're on the subject on fashion, check out the prints this guy is wearing. Nice! Now if only I could remember if this was a leopard or a jaguar... I think this was the jaguar...

...And I think this was the leopard. Cute fella is waiting for a zookeeper to drop some food into his cage. I'm sure they don't always look this dumb.

Surprise, surprise, the cat in black isn't a panther, it's ALSO a leopard! Guess it wanted to go for a more slimming design than the prints...

The giraffes obviously don't need to care about the slimming effect, since their height makes up for whatever extra baggage they might carry around!

But let's not stray too far from the subject of felines just yet, coz' I haven't even gotten to the king of the cats yet...the lions! Or more like, the lion and some lionesses...who are all in their very royal act of... lazing around....*yawn*. Oh well, it IS a zoo, and not a circus...

Just in case you couldn't tell, the lioness is the one not having a bad hair day

Okay, the cats have had their turn in the spotlight, now for some other animals that you probably don't wanna get into a fight these jackals, or wolves, or whatever dog-related animals these guys are...(hey, I'm not an animal expert yet, so sue me!)

Or check out the massiveness of this mean looking White Rhino. Just imagine getting rammed by this fella... Ouch ouch ouch!

One of the animals I really liked though was Inoku...this handsome polar bear that was born and bred at the Zoo itself! His mum is somewhere at the back, and she's actually smaller than him. Didn't get a pic of mummy though (she was kinda shy)

Here's a pic of Inoku out of the water, looking very big and bear-like!

Man, all those big scary animals have gotten this guy so scared, he wants to hide!

But then Carlos, the sea lion, eventually overcomes his fear of Inoku, and starts to warm up his tenor voice instead.

In a few seconds, Carlos is showing off some of his moves to his adoring fans. Suffering from low self-esteem, this guy ain't.

I became such a big fan of Carlos, I just HAD to get a pic with him. He even gave me a kiss! Ain't that nice of him? Though I did have to pay $5 for the pic...and his breath smelled like fish...

Got a complimentary pic with a big boa thrown in free though, so the $5 was all worth it! :P

But I think Carlos had to hide his face again once he saw these big guys. No wussy sea lion can lift a whole tree trunk like that, not to mention wave at the same time!

The elephant must use that guy to exercise his trunk for the big stuff...

When not required lifting stuff, the elephants are a pollutant-free method of transportation (unless you count the stink from their poop, of course)

And after a long day's work, well, the big guys need a break too...

Now on to some not-so-big and more agile members of the animal kingdom... the primates! And what better than a glimpse at the grooming regime of the orang utans.

This little bugger looks like he can't wait to get at a nice, juicy coconut.

I'm not quite sure what kinda primate this is, but I know he's a real head turner!

Maybe he's just as confused as I was about all these weird-looking signs at the zoo!

These two red-butt monkeys looked like they were having a romantic moment together...

These two monkeys were, well, being monkeys...

These guys seemed to be a pretty close knit family...Doesn't it make you wanna go "Awww"?.....No? Well, nevermind, coz' in part 2 of my Singapore Zoo pics, I shall present.... pics that make you go "Aawwww..."!