Sunday, October 09, 2005


I noticed something while at church this morning - my pastor prayed for the people in Pakistan that were affected by the earthquake, and at the beginning of this year, we were all gung ho praying for the tsunami victims and having offerings for them....but I have not heard any prayers for the Americans who were recetly devastated by three major hurricanes. Which makes me kinda go "Hmmm...I wonder why..." Sure, Bush isn't the most likable guy on the planet, but hey, one guy does not an entire nation make, and the Americans who went through those tragedies need help too, right? Maybe they did pray for them but I didn't hear it coz' I haven't been to church for three weeks straight. Kakakaka.....

1 comment:

Loretta said...

hey girl
you are right, I think you should just make mention to him. Seriously, sometimes we leaders have blindspots that we need pointed out, you are observant, good girl! :)