Monday, August 29, 2005

Naeem's shameless advertising....

Ok, so I haven't been posting for quite a while, so sue me. Been busy with assignments, but unfortunately I'm not proud to admit I've been kind of wasting my time doing other 'useless' things like watching too much tv and more recently, playing games. I got kind of addicted to MSN games a few weeks ago when I challenged my friend Jenn to a game of Hexic on our messenger...then when I wanted to play Hexic without the hassle of having to challenge an MSN buddy, I stumbled onto, where I discovered a whole new world of other fun games to get addicted to. My current fav is TextTwist, and a few other word games. And thanks to all these wonderful time-wasting distractions, I've been procrastinating on other things I should be doing, like say... assignments? It's so sad. I was always so proud of myself for not being so dependant on the idiot box and wasting time on games, and now I'm doing exactly that. I must make better use of my precious time!!!! *Naeem beats herself on the head and goes OUCH*
Anyway, the MSN games are NOT what I'm promoting here.... I'm here to promote an upcoming Youth event at my church in October, where yours truly is going to be putting on a play! I've just recently been asked to help write a script for the play, but I've been putting it off for the past week (coz' of you now what, and also assignments and was going out a lot last week...had worship practice, and then a friend's birthday to celebrate, and then some church people's birthdays to celebrate, and then a small high school reunion dinner. I was going out so much, I decided to skip out on cell group so my parents won't start nagging me about it. Sorry Kelvin! :P) Anyway, I just started on the script last night, and have written about four pages already. So far, it's looking pretty good and I'm sure it'll be quite hilarious, particularly since the guys at my church are all such great actors. I haven't written a script for a real play since I was in pre-U five years ago, so I'm pretty excited to be writing and directing this thing...and acting in it too! Hehe! Can't wait to see how it turns out in a couple of months. Oh yeah, anyone who wants to come and watch my play, you're all welcome, ESPECIALLY the NON-Christians, coz' the whole event is for all us young folks to bring our friends there and get to know each other. Also got FREE DINNER, so be kiasu a bit and come laaaaah..... :D My skit will be vely vely me! 100% Carol Ng guaranteed! Ok, maybe 85%. Haha, ok, enough advertising for me, time to get back to work!

1 comment:

Dissociated Mind said...

hAHaha I'm still not Hexic-free yet!

I played Texttwist on Whatever you guys are planning to do for your evangelistic event, I wish you all the best! Mine just passed... yAY! Don't forget to keep on praying!!