Haze is a phenomenon or occurrence caused by the accumulation of fine particles in the air which are barely visible to naked eye. These particles may occur naturally or may be an outcome of human activities like open burning or smoky discharges from factories and exhaust of motor vehicles. When these particles accumulate in large quantities and suspend in the air, they can lock out sunlight and visibility will be greatly reduced.
What the HAZE means to Naeem:
"Don't these Indonesians have anything better to do??"
"Giant got sell oxygen mask or not?"
(From second-floor classroom at Monash University) "Wah liow weh, kenot even see Sunway Pyramid from here liow!"

The latest technology in H.A.Z.E. protection. Also serves double function as a fashion accessory. Retail price - usually very cheap, but recently prices have doubled due to a sudden rise in demand. So hurry, go get YOUR H.A.Z.E. protection device today!

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