My church had our 32nd church anniversary celebration today at the Sime Darby Convention Centre near Sri Hartamas. As always, the place was full of CBC-ers from all the different branches, and since some of the congregation are Mandarin-speaking only, we have some Mandarin worship songs where I just stand there clapping my hands and going "La dee daa..." . And there will always be a Mandarin translator who translates whatever the pastor says, and quite often they cut each other off during the sermon and I wonder why they can't be patient enough to wait for the other guy to finish talking first, but I suppose they are so gung ho about the sermon that they just can't wait to say it all out. And like last year's anniversary, the focus of the service was on missions, and we all prayed for the missionaries who are going out to different countries to minister to them and spread the gospel. We also launched the beginning of a 21 day period of 24 hour prayer, which confused me for a while coz' I was wondering how on earth people can pray for 24 hours... til I figured out that it's supposed to be that at every hour for the next 21 days, at least a few people are praying for something so that there is some continuous prayer day and night. So we only pray for a certain amount of time each day, not 24 hours! (Haha, it's the lack of sleep, I swear!) So of course, we'd need people who would be willing to pray at certain hours of the graveyard shift, and quite a number of people were willing to pray during the graveyard shift. Yay!
The pastor was also talking about missions and relating it back to the bible, but I dunno if it was because of the pastor having to pause ever so often to let the translator speak, or because the sermon was a bit too deep for me, or because I was still kinda sleepy, or maybe a combination of everything... but I had such a hard time concentrating on the sermon, let alone trying to understand it. Oh well, I kind of tried. :Þ I did remember after the sermon that another church elder was telling us that there would be ushers holding offering bags for the missionaries, and he said something like "I'm not asking for your money... I'm asking you to be a channel of blessing for God!" and I was thinking, errr... but you're asking us to bless the missionaries with funds to go their missions trips, so technically you are asking for money.... so just say that you are asking for money lor... Of course, I'm not complaining about giving... I know we need to give for the church to do God's work... just that it kinda irks me when they say things like that. Really reminds me of sales people, who try to put things in a better light in order to 'make a sale'. I'd much rather they be straight forward about it and say they need the money... I'm more than happy to give anyway and I'm sure most other people there today would've been to. Anyway, that's just my opinion. It is very encouraging to see that CBC is sending out so many missionaries to other countries. I hope I at least will have the willpower to pray at least half an hour every day... which is so little compared to what they are doing but more than what I have been doing so far as my prayer life has been pretty blah for quite some time. I know that I should pray more and I actually feel that I miss having that quiet time with God, but I always never get round to doing it coz' I'm a lazy bum... so....must....try..... harder....!!
Anyway, I also had a little nap today in the afternoon. I slept at 4pm and planned to wake up at 5pm to wash my car since I had to go out with my parents and elder bro and sis-in-law for dinner later.... but I ended up shutting off my alarm when it rang and sleeping til 7pm. Shows just how much I needed to catch up on my sleep. So now I'm pretty well rested, which is good. :)
At dinner, my mum was telling me that I should try looking for another job. She's been telling me to jobhunt several times now, coz' she seems to think my company is on the verge of shutting down or something, or that there's no prospect of promotions. Which irks me as well, coz' the company is pretty stable now, even though it's not making much profit yet but we are working on getting more business and as such, we need as much help as we can. If I leave now, just when I'm getting to know the ropes, they have to look for more staff again, and the company will take even longer to expand. And even though I agree there is a risk that a small company like this can shut down, I doubt it coz' the franchise has been superbly successful in so many other countries, so there's a lot of potential for it to grow here as well. Just that the boss is busy with other businesses that he can't focus on this company so much. And that the turnover of staff here is pretty high, so he needs to get permanent people. So I'd feel kinda bad leaving the company when I just started working here and they are in need of people who can do the job well, and I think I am pretty good with teaching the kids. But my mum and also my brother says that there's no point being loyal to a company coz' if the company losses money, the boss will just let me go like that. Which is also possible, I agree, but if I am REALLY good at the job, and I do a lot to help bring in more business, chances are that he would prefer to keep me over other staff. And I know I can do well in this job, rather than in research or management, coz' I don't have passion for research and I don't know nuts about management. At least in my job now, I know I'm doing something I'm good at, and at the same time I can pick up other skills, learn how to get in more business and possibly learn to manage other staff in the future when we start to expand. If I leave to work in a really big company, I'd just be another small fry in a big company where I might not be so good at what I do. I would be compared to other staff, so what would stop them from letting me go if they think I'm not as good as others? And if I simply simply change jobs, it wouldn't look good to prospective employers either to see that I have only a few months work experience in several places. To them, it would seem that I lack loyalty to one company, and that does not reflect well on me.
So my idea is to do my best here at Mad Science until at least the beginning of next year when they do the work appraisal. Then I can see how much my salary changes and what other perks I get. If we have better business by then but the salary increment is crap, then I will try and look for other jobs lor. I would only have worked here for slightly over half a year, so I can still get other jobs if I want to. But if the perks are pretty good and the company is expanding and I am promoted, then why should I leave? At the moment, of course I can't expect to get salary increment so soon, but my mum seems to worry that it will never happen, therefore I should just up and leave to a better job first chance I get. Good grief, as if going for job interviews is such a fun process. Plus I would have to take leave to go for interviews and I only get 8 days leave a year. And if I go for leave so often, my supervisor will start getting suspicious. It won't reflect well on me at all. And I don't even want to leave the company yet coz' I like what I'm doing! Yaaarrrggh! I wish my mum would just leave it alone and let me work for a few more months. I know she means well, but I don't need this pressure!!!!
Bleh, time to get to bed again. *Sigh*
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