Thursday, September 22, 2005

Lotsa stress and a little hope

I think I'm the most stressed out I've been for quite a while. Been lepaking most of this semester, and now suddenly I have a gazillion and one things to do, and uni work is just the half of it. Today, I just found out from one of my lecturers about all the wonderful assignments we have to finish for this one subject, Environmental Chemistry, within the next few weeks (after which ill be exams, by the way). We have two 800-1000 word assignments to do, plus a group project which is worth like 20% of the subject marks, due in just a couple of weeks. The thing that grates my nerves is that all these assignments were supposed to be given to us ages ago, particularly the group project one, but this subject is a brand new subject at the Monash Malaysia campus and the lecturers here are supposed to be getting all the lecture notes and assignments from the Australian lecturers. So because the Aussie people aren't organized enough to give us what we need on time, now the assigments are piled up on us at the time when they should have been finished and we have time to start studying! The group project deadline was supposed to be the 16th of September, and we just GOT the assignment five days after the deadline! And it doesn't help at all that our lecturer is standing up there asking us what we've done about the project when obviously we can't have done anything when we don't even know what we're supposed to do. At one point, I told him straight that we don't even know what we're supposed to put into the project draft, so obviously we can't do it! Then he shows us the assignments details saying that the draft details are up to us to do, and points it out to me, saying "There, that's what you should have done!". Well, yes, it's so helpful of him to tell us that useful piece of information now! Of all the four years I've been at Monash, this subject I'm taking now is completely the most messed up. The lecturers don't have their notes or assignments organized, the notes that we got through are full of completely non-sensical diagrams with no explanantions, and half the time the lecturer doesn't even know what the stuff on the slides are. And NOW they throw all these assignments at us when we should be preparing for exams! I was reasonably patient before this, but after today, I think 'pissed off' is an understatement to describe how I feel about this. At least if the lecturer apologized for the delay or something, it would be something, but he stands up there and expects us to know what should have been done when he himself doesn't know. Argh! If I could start the semester again and be allowed to choose between Environmental Chemistry and one other subject I'm taking called Genetics of Development, I'd gladly go for the latter, even though it's probably the toughest subject ever coz' I have to remember like a gazillion gene names and their functions. But at least I know what I have to do in this subject, not the mess that is Environmental Chemistry....
And that's just the least of my woes...I have this lab report I'm supposed to hand in this Monday for the Genetics subjects I was just talking about, and it's a super long lab which will take me ages to do. BUT I have to go for a field trip from Saturday to Tuesday, leaving me only until Friday to finish it. And my lecturer for this subject won't allow me a extension even though I told him I have a valid excuse! Geez, it's not like he's gonna finish marking all the lab reports on the day he gets them, unless he's a superhuman freak or something. Why can't he let me have a few more days? So unreasonable...
And then there's the skit I'm in charge of. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working on the skit and am looking forward to see how it'll turn out....but after I finished writing the original 6-page long script, people tell me things that's been forcing me to make major changes to the script. It wouldn't be so bad if the changes were made ages before the event, which is only next Saturday. But people only tell me these things like after I've finished the script or when there are only a few practices left. It is very da exasperating, especially since they have ample time to tell me these things beforehand, but they don't. And when we have practices, people say they cannot come, and end up cannot practice what we need to practice. At this point, less than two weeks before the event, I would've thought everyone involved should have had at least one run through of the entire skit to get the feel of things and work out any little problems. But now we're all still busy brainstorming on what to say and haven't even practiced some of the scenes yet. So you can't blame me for starting to freak out.
But anyway, I heard a nice phrase somewhere recently about how instead of telling God how big our problems are, we should tell our problems how big our God is. Some advice I think I should take at this moment. My stress bar is up to the max, but I have no choice but just trust in Him and believe He's gonna somehow help me get all my work done one time. If not, I might just end up at Tanjung Rambutan. :P

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