Saturday, March 18, 2006

Of dead grasshoppers and taekwondo class-crashing cats

Oh well, my grasshopper finally decided to go to that (probably humungous) insect heaven in the sky on Wednesday. I suspect it was because over the weekend I fed it a different type of leaf from what it usually ate, and the leaf and the grasshopper's tummy didn't get along too well. So I watched in despair as it slowly wasted away over the next few days. Waaaaah. I even put it back on the plant where I found it while it still seemed to had some life in it, in the hopes that the sunshine or whatever would make it get better. But alas, poor grasshopper. I knew it well. Well, for like a week or so. Anyway, I think the insects hate me now, so I think I'll leave them alone for a while, at least until I figure out how to make them...not die in captivity.

Anyway, I had an interesting day at taekwondo class this morning. I was teaching the primary school white belts, and most of them are new students who just joined a week ago, so it's pretty fun to teach the young new kids when they're all so excited and willing to answer me when I ask them questions (unlike the older students who are usually all half dead and yell like they're half dead, and punch and kick like they're half dead, no matter how much I try to motivate them. *sigh*). So during the class today, this cat suddenly came along and decided to hang around my students. That of course, got them all excited and they couldn't pay attention to me coz' this dumb cat kept brushing up against some of them. And every now and then it would flop down on the floor next to a kid and roll on its back, like it wanted a belly rub or something. So I tried picking it up and putting it a little further away, but the cat came back again and started another uproar. I did it again, and it came back again, and a kid took it away, but it came back again, and it went on like this a few more times. And just imagine, the parents of some of these white belts were standing around watching me teach and seeing this whole episode, so I was getting pretty exasperated. I finally decided to tell the kids to all move to another area of the school for me to teach them. Luckily the dumb cat didn't follow us. *Whew!* After all that excitement, plus waking up early this morning, me thinks I'll go and catch some afternoon zzz's for a bit. I got quite a few papers to mark later, and I've been procrastinating as usual. So it's off the bed I go. Zzzz...

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