Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Who's this mystery guy?

I just came back from a weekend up at Cameron Highlands with my cell group, and we had a pretty fun time playing cho tai tee and Taboo to death, as well as telling extremely lame jokes. Yours truly told the highest amount of lame jokes among the girls, so it was a good time to hone my joke-telling skills... It's an art, you know! :P Anyway, I think I used up most of my arsenal up there and now I need to read up more jokes for the next time a whole bunch of us need to be entertained. Also need more good brainteasers to keep people's brains awake during the long drive there or back. I told one on the way back and stumped everyone in the car I was in for a good 45 minutes!. :P Of course, the main reason for the whole trip was to have our last time together as one big jolly cell group before we split up to two groups - the youth group and a new young adult group, which includes me! And we had our big discussion about what everyone thought of our cell group to give feedback back to the leaders, and a tonne of interesting and eye-opening comments were made about the problems we had. Lotsa in-depth stuff in that so I'm not gonna go into it. The long and short of it is that the cell did have quite a few problems and each and every one of us need quite a bit of attitude adjustment to help fix those problems. Me included. Heh, it's character building time.

Anyway, once I got back, I found my hotmail inbox stuffed with 22 new emails. One of which was a notification from www.acrushonyou.com, which said that apparently someone registered that he (hopefully it's a he.... :P) has a crush on me. And instead of being remotely excited about it, I was just like "Hmm...okaaaay. This is probably some kind of prank someone's trying to pull on me after all my rambling about my singledom in my last post". Of course, the annoying thing is that the email doesn't tell me who the heck sent me this email, and the only way I can find out without said person revealing himself (or herself, if it's a prankster!) to me is if I guess his email correctly on the website. Naturally, out of curiosity, I tried guessing a few emails. All turned out to be incorrect. Then I keyed in the email of every unattached male on my contacts list, and still every single one was incorrect. After which I just couldn't be bothered. I suppose if this email was from some guy who really has an interest in me, he used some email address that I don't have. And of course, there's still the possibility of it having been sent by a girl friend who has nothing better to do than make me key in every single email address on my list to find my 'crush'. Fortunately, I think I have better things to do, so I'm not gonna bother to go through the girls on my contacts list. At least, not until I'm really bored out of my mind.

So if this email really is from an authentic guy (which I still find hard to believe for some reason), then I really wish that mystery guy would work up the guts to tell me who he is. At least through an email or sms or something. It's not like I'm gonna bite your head off anything. And if I'm not interested in a relationship, I won't treat you like you have the plague and run away every time I see you. And if this is a prank, well, hardy har har, now get a life. :P

Anyway, today is Valentine's Day and all, so let's all spread the love, especially to the singles who sit at home watching lame romantic movies and lamenting their singledom while the couples go out and endorse this overly commercialised day with flowers, chocolates, heart-shaped presents and super expensive dinners at high class restaurants decorated with roses. Don't worry, I'll be sitting at home watching CSI instead of lame romantic movies. Mystery guy might wanna make my V-Day interesting this year by revealing himself to me. Just so you know, chocolates will win over my heart anytime. LOL.

Oh, and how can I forget the token cute Sassy pic. Happy Valentines Day from this dashing doggy!

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